Weekend and Night Cover
Weekend and night cover is provided by the local doctors' deputising service. This is accessed by telephoning 111.
What to do when the GP practice is closed:
- If it’s a life-threatening emergency call 999
- If you need medical help fast but it’s not an emergency call 111
During normal practice opening hours the practice remains your first point of contact for all routine requests.
NHS 111 is the number to call when you need medical help fast but it’s not a life-threatening emergency.
- Calls to 111 are free from landlines and mobiles
- NHS 111 is available 24/7, every day of the year
When to call 111
You should call 111 when:
- You think you need to go to A&E or to another NHS urgent care service
- Your GP surgery is closed and you need healthcare advice
- You don’t know who to call for medical help.
When to call 999
Call 999 for life threatening emergencies such as:
- Major Accident or trauma
- Severe breathlessness
- Severe bleeding
- Loss of consciousness
- Severe chest pain
Community Pharmacists
In addition to dispensing prescriptions the large network of community pharmacies across Co Durham and Darlington provide a wide range of services e.g. minor ailments, sexual health and smoking cessation services.
A number of pharmacies provide extended opening hours including opening in the evenings and at weekends, details of all pharmacies in County Durham and Darlington can be accessed via www.durhamlpc.org.uk, click on the ‘pharmacies’ link on the left hand side of the home page. We recommend that you telephone a pharmacy to check they can provide the service you need before you set off.
NHS Walk-in Centre
Provides healthcare advice, information and treatment - no appointment necessary.
The nearest such facility is at Darlington Memorial Hospital.
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
View our normal surgery hours.